B.O.N. me now! Yes, that’s right. No beating around the bush for me. Today for my 3 Month Anniversary in the blogosphere I want to be B.O.N.’ed baby! And nothing less than a big juicy awesome B.O.N.’ing will do for me.
Pretty please, with cupcakes on top?
Bestow me with the incredibly fantabulous title “Blog of Note” and I shall be forever grateful.
xo The Empress
PS: And to all you lovely readers, thank you for the blog love and all your amazing comments. Each and every day you bring me much happiness.
HAHAHAHA. If that double-underlined, fantastically sexualized, pixelated proposition doesn't get you a good BONing, I don't know what will.
ReplyDelete(Sans a good monetary/cupcake bribe.)
@Nicki: Not too much? ; )
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and I totally hear ya on that one!
ReplyDeleteI will have to come back and click follow since there doesn't seem to be a "follow" link at the moment...
I do hope you get BON'd...I too, would enjoy a BONing about right now!
ReplyDelete@Cinderita: Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words of encouragement.
ReplyDeleteIt is a bit of a worry that I am posting half naked drawings of my alter ego up for all the blog world to see and BLOGGER is failing me by making the 'follow' button disappear. I can see it but not sure why you can't...
@Donda: Hey girlfriend! ... I suppose you should tell your husband to get right on it! ; )
That is the funniest comment I think I've ever seen! Thank you for making me laugh out loud!! I am officially "stalking" you now..
ReplyDelete@Cinderita: Glad to know I have brought some small amount of joy to your day. Have a wee troll around my blog archieve (or just scroll down to read older posts) and hopefully you will come across other posts that make you laugh out loud. Making others smile/laugh is part of my mission!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you so much for clicking on the follow button! Stalkers are always welcome ... and so are blog pimps!
With that half naked image, you just raised shameless plugging to a whole new level. I love it!
New to your blog...but it won't be the only time!
ReplyDeleteYou've got my vote. If they don't bow down to your demands lets make our own award. Blogs of Regard, Blogs of Magnitude or maybe Blogs Worthy of Your Time... Dammit.
I always LOVE it here!!
ReplyDeleteBlog Of Note - ahhh, yes! That would be awesome!!!
I'll be back!
Dear Empress,
ReplyDeleteIf you want to get BON'ed, then I think you need to post some tasteful nudes, like Annah did. Or, just e-mail them to me. Either option would work.
oh blogs of note... lol
ReplyDeletewhat are their qualifications anyway??? :)
@Fickle Cattle: Why thank you! I hope you will do me the honor of becoming an official follower. That would positively make my day! xo
@Jules: Merci for the blog love! I will do my absolute best to impress upon your return.
@Simple Dude: Now we're talking! Blog of Magnitude sounds rather fancy. I like it!
@Gabriele: I'm so pleased to learn you enjoy visiting my snarky site ...one never knows exactly what they will find...
@Steve G: Awww, I was hoping another one of my handrawn self-portraits would suffice. Actual nude photos though, I may have to think on that one a bit!
@Hotcakes: I'm not entirely sure who decides or how exactly 'they' go about deciding. If there was someone to contact directly I certainly would ...being that I'm all shy and weary of shameless self-promotion!
Yo Ranter..come click the follow button on my blog too...you never know..you might end up being lucky follower number 100!
ReplyDelete@Cinderita: Done! Number 97 I believe.
ReplyDeleteThe B.O.Ner fairies are on their way, I can feel it in my waters. They're mad not to have honored you thus far....
Congrats lovely Empress. Perhaps we need to start a petition to get you BONed. Hugs :)
ReplyDeleteFollowed. :-) Good luck!
hahaha. Too rich. How can they not bone you when your self-portrait is so great?
self promotion never hurt anyone. I love that I am not the only one who wishes to be noticed.... " Love me love me"
ReplyDeleteGood luck. You are so deserving!
hope you get BONec!!
ReplyDeletehey have given you a blog award check out my post:
@Corianda: You mean there are real, live actual "BON'er fairies"? We need to get them on this case stat! xo
@Mynx: Thank you kindly for your support. I like your idea of a petition. Any suggestions for getting the ball rolling? HUGS!!
@ Fickle Cattle: I am touched and appreciate your support! ...Although for some reason I don't see you in my follower list. Other readers have mentioned they are following me but are also not showing up on the list. Have you heard of this happening before? xo
@Charles: Perhaps you can put in a good word for me? Being that you are a rockstar in our blog world and all...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the props re: my somewhat failed attempts at computer drawing. You'd never know that I actually have an art degree. Aren't my disproportionate little troll legs just so sexy?
@The Chick in the Chair Perspective: Thank you my dear. Love you right back!
@PrincessBeks: Me too! Very kind of you to bestow me with a Blog Award. xo
@Ranter's: Nope. Weird. You're on my dashboard though. And when I check my profile you're in the list of blogs I'm following. I'm not sure why I'm not reflected. But I'm not tech savvy at all so I'm also not the best person to ask.
@Fickle Cattle: Thanks for checking into that for me. I am SO NOT tech savy either. Perhaps you are following privately and thus wouldn't appear in my follower box?
ReplyDeleteEither way, I am honored that you are now one of my beloved readers.
On another note, I got a 'hater' comment today. Apparently someone did not like what was meant to be a funny video I posted and therefore they made judgments about my character. If you read my comment on your post today then you know how I feel about that kind of behavior.
xo The Empress
Snarky, ranting, rebel, empress- I hereby B.O.N. you!
ReplyDeleteDon't know how to make a certificate of merit like Donda and the other person did, but I crown thee!
@G: Merci! Love you long-time. xo