Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Huggies Diapers - Poo in Blue

Check out this new commercial for Huggies limited edition denim diapers -for that oh so stylish kid who has everything. When little Jimmy does number two he will still look like number one!

"The coolest you'll ever look pooping your pants!"


  1. Special thanks to one of my anonymous readers for introducing me to this commercial.

  2. Ok... I have a child still in diapers and I refuse to buy denim colored diapers!!!! Refuse!!! Oh but, she still gets everything her heart desires! :)

  3. That's really cute. What will they think of next?

  4. @Santos: Yeah, denim diapers seem a bit much, eh?

    @Anonymous: Glad you enjoyed the clip. Amazing tag line that Huggies came up with!

  5. good marketing...thanks for posting this one! This is the best blog ever! You are waaaay too talented to be here...you should write books!!!!!!!!

  6. @ Anonymous: Thank you for reading and for the kind feedback. Perhaps a book or two will be in my future... you never know!

  7. Whoever came up with this for little boys or the occasional redneck toddler girl should get a huge raise from Huggies!I love that they made the commercial so retro 80's in every way and made the little kid so GQ!

  8. @Anonymous: Yes, the creative genius behind the commercial certainly deserves a raise!


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