Awhile back I mentioned that I would be doing a juicy blogging collaboration with my word perv buddy Bruce over at stupid stuff i see and hear. Well, Bruce and I have been diligently plugging away in the proverbial blogosphere kitchen, stirring and mixing and making sure we add just the right amount of spice to appease the appetites of our loyal readers.
I’m very excited to say that our special and top-secret concoction is scheduled to come out of the bloggy oven sometime tomorrow afternoon or so. Once it does I will post a link to Bruce’s site where you can go and check out what we’ve been cooking up. You definitely don’t want to miss it! Just make sure you bring along some wet wipes…
And in celebration of this most momentous occasion, later this week I will be pimping out the blog of the reader who can correctly guess the topic of our blogging collaboration. Just leave your answer in the comment section below.
Good luck!
xo The Empress
Hmm you and Bruce together must mean the word FUCK is involved so I am going to say something sex related.
ReplyDelete,so many potential topics. I am however guessing word pervery and you both are totally amazing at creating the most delicious words.
ReplyDeletePlaying over at Bruce's place is awesome fun. He loves to entertain his ladies
I am with Oilfield... I am guessing FUCK is in there... but I also want to say that dogs are involved, which would make me retract the "FUCK" part.
ReplyDeleteSo... craziest sex stories evar.
Seriously?... Reeeally??... Seriously!
I'm also guessing something sex related. Maybe a male vs. female perspective.
ReplyDeleteyou and Bruce together i smell trouble brewing
ReplyDeleteoh oh oh *jumping up and down and clapping* I simply cannot wait. It's gonna be good if you and Bruce! :-)
ReplyDeleteThere's gotta be a fucktard, a shithead and a few asswipes in there but I'm anxious to see what you and my little brother are concocting. Hugs
ReplyDeleteshit...wait what? guess i better sober up and get my shit together...
ReplyDeleteFUCK THAT!
ha ha ha...consider it done!
it will post tomorrow around 5 pm est!
love you all and love the EMPRESS!
This is gonna be awesome!
ReplyDeleteI also believe it has to do with the word "fuck". Or maybe you guys will do a rant about how much you hate cats. What? You could surprise us all!
Pretty good guesses my lovelies but you have to be specific. Feel free to try again if you like. I'm really looking forward to sharing the blog love and pimping out the blogger that guesses specifically what our post is going to be about.
ReplyDeleteOkay, specifics...I'm gonna say Sexual Positions: The Best of Both Worlds. America v. UK, women v. men. No? I give up. Can't wait, though!
ReplyDeleteDuh! Sex related..and because it's Bruce..probably having a cigarette after all the sex.
ReplyDeleteHA! I can't WAIT!
I can hardly wait to see what you and Bruce have "cooked up" - it can only be wildly delicious.
ReplyDeleteI will come prepared - wet wipes and Bombay gin with 3 olives!
Until tomorrow...
You guys are hilarious ...although I'm starting to wonder if you are implying that I have a potty mouth and all I think about is sex ; )
ReplyDeleteHere is a wee hint: I don't believe I say the "eff" word even once in my part of the collaboration...
I bet it's something nice like flowers or kittens.
ReplyDeleteWell I got the sex part right.
ReplyDeleteI second Trash's Tashy sentiment. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteThose of you that guessed something 'sex related' were getting close but not close enough. I may have to pimp one of you out based on your entertaining comments. Thanks for playing by the way : )