Hello my lovelies it is time to play the Guessing Game and see if you can Name that Star. This particular guy is a major rock star who fronts one of the most famous bands of all time. He is a well-known Brit who is as ubber famous for one of his facial features as he is for his incredibly charismatic way with the ladies.
Seeing him perform last night for the first time ever on the Grammy’s made me take a wee trip down memory lane. Back in the day I had the good fortune to not only have dinner with this man but to also enjoy an unforgettable evening out on the town with him and then later attend a swanky private party he was hosting in a posh mansion.
It was a whirlwind couple of weeks that resulted in my marketing professor bribing me to get his much sought after autograph. In exchange, I was able to take my marketing exam a day late so that I could instead shop and get all dolled up for his spectacular not-to-be-missed party.
Now if you haven’t yet figured out the identity of this superstar, here is final clue:
And for the record, NO, I did not f*ck Mick Jagger …but I definitely could have played hide the salami with another A-lister that was also hanging with the entourage…
I’d love to hear all about your own celebrity encounters. Feel free to share your amazing adventures with the famous in comments section below. And yes, we want the juicy details. All of them.
Have a fantabulous week!
xo The Empress
I live in the middle of fucking nowhere. The only celebrities I encounter are in Intouch magazine.
ReplyDeletethe entourage guy? had to be Clapton, right? at least that is the first name that i thought of! i think i would give my first born to hang with clapton.
ReplyDeleteother than you my dear empress, my word pervy queen of the bloggerverse!
the only other star i have aquainted myself with is me!
the rest of the world has yet to catch up!
have a great day!
Zero. That's the number of celebrity encounters I've had
ReplyDeleteNo famous encounters. Except passing Kato Kailin at Miami airport and grocery shopping along with Ray Allen of the Boston Celtics. I preferred strangers!! haha.
ReplyDeletewoo hoo! Mama, I just had to come buy and wish you a happy Valentine's day! If you don't have a "love" this year, just know that my punk ass has love for ya my blog sista!!! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI knew exactly who you were talking about! i actually have never met anyone famous that i can think of.. oh well.
I've not met any Rock Legends but I have met the actor Kevin Mckidd cos he hails from my part of Scotland
ReplyDeleteI met Phil McConkey from the New York Giants in 1989. That's it. Sad, I know. I really oughta look out from under my rock.
ReplyDeleteIt's really worse for my family, though. I'm the most famous person they know.
I have a blog, you know.
Sorry, no famous people adventures here. My life has been famously boring. I've been mistaken for a local TV newscaster a few times, though. That's the closest I've come.
ReplyDeleteI think I agree with all of Bruce's post. Although I first thought it was Elton Jon.
ReplyDelete@Dudemeister: Thanks for stopping by and chiming in. And don't fret my friend, most celebrities are a bit overrated in person.
ReplyDelete@Bruce: Sorry but the guy in question is actually a movie star. Sometimes I even talk trash about him on this blog. ...And thank you for the flattering words. I am touched!
@The Restaurant Manager: Is there someone you would like to meet though?
@Bouncin' Barb: Kato, now that is a name that I haven't heard in a really long time.
@Thundercat832: Love you long time too Falen. xo
@Amber LaShell: Smart cookie! Good on you for guessing Mick Jagger.He is actually a very cordial and lovely gentleman, which was surprising. I was sort of expecting to find him swinging from the chandaliers ; )
@lyndylou: Aren't Scottish accents just lovely?
@Al Penwasser: And you'll be famous in no time rubbing shoulders with all the A-listers.
@Vinny C: Being mistaken for a celebrity is actually pretty cool. Why have to meet them when people think you are one? : )
@Copyboy: Nope, he is a star on both the big and small screens --and is notorious for his love of porn stars and hookers...
I'm entirely too exclusive to be interested in meeting a celebrity...but Beast of Burden is one of my two favorite Stones songs....the other is You Can't Always Get What You Want.
ReplyDeletei'm turning green with envy i would love to meet Mick Jagger you are one lucky lady.
ReplyDeleteI haven't had any celebrity encounters, but really enjoyed reading about yours!
ReplyDeleteWait wait wait.... r u saying you hung out with Mr. Jagger?
ReplyDeleteAm I getting this right?
I would blow him. I know he is real old and it would probably take like three hours to get him off but.... still....
I have never met any real good celebrities. My claim to celebrity fame will be saying that I left "pervy comments" on your blog before you became famous for curing aids and cancer in a weekend. So at least we have that stuff to look forward too.
@Charles: Hello my friend! Yes, that would be affirmative. I'm still pissing myself at the visual of you blowing ole' Mick.
ReplyDeleteAre you suggesting that perhap I might indeed become famous like you? I'm still hoping for a BON'ing but those Blogger f*ckers seem to have foresaken me ; )
@Chief aka Dad: You have excellent taste in music and yes, you are too special to bother mingling with the celebrities ; )
ReplyDelete@becca: Though it seems like a lifetime ago, it will make for a nice chapter in my book one day. He really was a lovely man.
@On My Soapbox: I'll keep that in mind. Perhaps I might share other similar encounters one day.
I've met Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis. He barely knew I was there, so f*cking him was out of the question. I met Danny Devito when I was a teen. He was old even then, so... Aside from local news reporters, that is the sad extent of my celebrity encounters.
ReplyDelete@Mrs. Hyde: So modest! I'd say you are a bit of star magnet my friend : )